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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why are so many species becoming endangered?


  1. there are many construction over the word which are contribute to the why the animal become endangered.

  2. many species become endangered because their habitat been demolished by the cruel people who only think about their own benefits.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There are many reasons that can cause a species of animals to become endangered, or even extinct.It involved the natural habitats are snatched away from these species,the chemicals people used,hunting and trading and also pollution.

  5. the climate changes really had a bad effects on animals especially in polar regions and the destruction of their habitat because of rapid developtment especially in developing countries did't help their survival either.

  6. people don't care much.

  7. animals became endangered due to the over exploitation. For example, whaling industry in the early 20th had brought many species of whale to extremely low population sizes. Other than that, the demand for rhino horns and tiger bones in several areas in Asia had also been a leading factor of endangerment to animals.

  8. In my own opinion,one of the main reasons is because of irresponsible human activities. For example, people hunt sharks for its fin. After they cut off its fin, the shark is thrown back to the sea. It is very sad to see all of them died in that way and of course, it would be such a waste and a great loss not only to us but also our future generation.
